Call Mediva Hearthstone

call mediva

Kel'Thuzad (Kel'Thuzad) Hearthstone

Kel Thuzad Set: Naxxramas Type: Minion Rarity: Legendary Cost: 8 Attack: 6 Health: 8 Abilities: Copy, Summon Tags: Area of effect, Death-related, Resurrection effect, Triggered effect At the end of each turn, summon all friendly minions
Baron Rivendare (Baron Rivendare) Hearthstone

Baron Rivendare Set: Naxxramas Type: Minion Rarity: Legendary Cost: 4 Attack: 1 Health: 7 Tags: Deathrattle-related, Ongoing effect Your minions trigger their Deathrattles twice.There used to be five Horsemen but one of them left because
Voidwalker (Voidwalker) Hearthstone

Voidwalker Set: Basic Type: Minion Subtype: Demon Class: Warlock Cost: 1 Attack: 1 Health: 3 Abilities: Taunt TauntNo relation to "The Voidsteppers", the popular Void-based dance troupe.See this card on Hearthpwn data page] Voidwalker is
Servant of Kalimos (Servant of Kalimos) Hearthstone

Servant of Kalimos Set: Journey to Un Goro Type: Minion Subtype: Elemental Rarity: Rare Cost: 5 Attack: 4 Health: 5 Abilities: Battlecry, Discover Tags: Elemental-generating, Elemental-related Battlecry: If you played an Elemental last turn, Discover an
Bloodhoof Brave (Bloodhoof Brave) Hearthstone

Bloodhoof Brave Set: Whispers of the Old Gods Type: Minion Class: Warrior Rarity: Common Cost: 4 Attack: 2 Health: 6 Abilities: Enrage, Taunt TauntEnrage:+3 Attack.He thought the set was called "Flippers of the Old Cods"
Voodoo Doctor (Voodoo Doctor) Hearthstone

Voodoo Doctor Set: Basic Type: Minion Cost: 1 Attack: 2 Health: 1 Abilities: Battlecry, Restore Health Battlecry: Restore 2 Health.Voodoo is an oft-misunderstood art. But it is art.See this card on Hearthpwn data page] Voodoo
Siltfin Spiritwalker (Siltfin Spiritwalker) Hearthstone

Siltfin Spiritwalker Set: Goblins vs Gnomes Type: Minion Subtype: Murloc Class: Shaman Rarity: Epic Cost: 4 Attack: 2 Health: 5 Abilities: Draw cards, Overload Tags: Death-related, Murloc-related, Triggered effect Whenever another friendly Murloc dies, draw
Grimestreet Pawnbroker (Grimestreet Pawnbroker) Hearthstone

Grimestreet Pawnbroker Set: Mean Streets of Gadgetzan Type: Minion Class: Warrior Rarity: Rare Cost: 3 Attack: 3 Health: 3 Abilities: Battlecry Tags: Random, Weapon-related Battlecry: Give a random weapon in your hand +1/+1."I don t know
Dark Iron Dwarf (Dark Iron Dwarf) Hearthstone

Dark Iron Dwarf Set: Classic Type: Minion Rarity: Common Cost: 4 Attack: 4 Health: 4 Abilities: Battlecry Battlecry: Give a minion +2 Attack this turn.Guardians of Dark Iron Ore. Perhaps the most annoying ore, given
Twilight Elder (Twilight Elder) Hearthstone

Twilight Elder Set: Whispers of the Old Gods Type: Minion Rarity: Common Cost: 3 Attack: 3 Health: 4 Tags: Triggered effect At the end of your turn, give your C Thun +1/+1 (wherever it is).Just doesn t